What am I doing wrong? Please help.


In the Brooder
Dec 19, 2016
Are Old English Game Bantams really hard to hatch or is it me? They pip and then get stuck. They been like this for 24 hours. This isn't the first hatch in which this has happened.
I have Wyandotte Bantams in the same hatcher and they are sooo easy!

Temp 99.5
Humidity 55

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
Are Old English Game Bantams really hard to hatch or is it me? They pip and then get stuck. They been like this for 24 hours. This isn't the first hatch in which this has happened.
I have Wyandotte Bantams in the same hatcher and they are sooo easy!

Temp 99.5
Humidity 55

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

If 55 is your hatching humidity I would start with raising it to at least 65%-70% and see if that helps. 55 is kind of low for hatching.

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