What am I

Barred Rock and Production Red. A little young to accurately sex now. Need to wait a bit longer.
A production red is the same as a rhode island red? She's super loving and always the first to try something. They are all the same age give or take a few days but the little barred is the smallest, and has the least feathers but eats the most. Should I be worried, seems healthy, very active and is always starting something with one of the others, though not the brightest bulb in the box.
Hatchery Rhode Island Reds are Production Reds. Heritage Rhode Island Reds are something else entirely.
As long as they are all eating, drinking, and acting normal, there is no cause for concern. Some chicks just take longer to feather in than other.
Well there's unfortunately no need to find out anymore, somehow a rat got into our garage last night where we keep them at night and the little barred didn't make it and the Reds leg is badly damaged.
Sorry to hear that. Most people don't even think of rats as predators for chickens. I've seen rats take down a grown hen! They're horrible little creatures, and can get in the tiniest holes.

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