What am I?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
Trying to figure out what this little one is. She/he came from a flock of Black copper marans, easter eggers, red sexlinks and silkies. There were no bantams in the flock. It is the same age as the one it is with in the photos but quite a difference in size. The owner of the flock that it came from is at a loss about what it is. Any ideas. It is about 4 months old here.


In that bottom picture, I see the ever so faint hint of muff. So I would say EE. Red-sex link males are white.

ETA: I am not saying that one is a male though... Just that her EE could have bred with a red-sex link male, which destroys the sex-linked gene... But...
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With that beard and comb I would say you have a dwarf Easter Egger. There shouldn't be any Silkie blood in that bird because skin pigment is to light. I also don't think you have a bantam, as that bird is way to small. It looks like a dwarf bird, which occasionally happens no matter what breed one is dealing with. Dwarfs are usually infertile and hen dwarfs tend not to lay eggs.
Hmmm, interesting about it maybe being a dwarf. The owner of the flock thought it is a mutant of some kind. I didn't know there could be dwarf chickens. We are hoping it is a she and her name is Opal. She belongs to a friend.
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silkies are bantams but not a thing on it says it has silkie in it. i dont really see any of those breeds in it though. i am going to guess it will also be a hen when it gets older to. try posting again later on. hmmmm could just be a dwarf like rhoderunner says
If she is a dwarf, can she live a normal lifespan? Also is there any chance she could be introduced to the flock or would she just be too small and get picked on? And would there be any special care or nutritional issues?
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