What am I?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 3, 2011
My wife bought these two home from an auction.any ideas??
They have feathers starting to grow on their legs.i no nothing about Cornish!!thanks Bantamlover55!
I'll get some better pics today.yeah he crows already! They were in a wood crate and auctioned off as marans.when we opened the crate we knew better but for $5 who cares!
They look like Dark Cornish bantams or mixes of Dark Cornish. Some clean legged birds will develop small feathers on their legs (called "stubs"). It is usually a sign of poor breeding, or interbreeding clean legged breeds with feather legged breeds. I'm not seeing any characteristics of Maran's, except for the small feathers.
They look like Dark Cornish bantams to me, too. Wyandottes7 is right that the feathers you see growing are probably "stubs." That would disqualify them at a poultry show, but doesn't necessarily mean they aren't really Dark Cornish.

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