What are daytime Predators?


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013

I am New, and I am SO excited to be part of this!!! I am in 5th Grade, So Grade School... I just got Silkie Chicks like 2 Months ago, there about 12 weeks now, and they are hard to get away from they are SO cute!! My Mom helped me set up an account. And she is on here also... I have tried to read about what is the ' MOST DANGEROUS PREDATOR DURING THE DAY? Most of them Said Hawks?

Now I want to confirm with you, is that true? Or is there other more Dangerous Predator during the Daytime?

I am kinda Nervous about it, Because you Know, People have different opinions... But this Group as far as I know that they are being honest and this group ROCKS!!!


What is the Most Dangerous Predator during the Day Time?

Thank You!!
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC :)
It does depend on where you live - every area has different predators. Hawks & several others have been known to attack during the day. The best thing is to look up predators in your area. Best of luck
Welcome! Where I live, the most common daytime predator would be hawks. Those are the ones we see. If they're hungry enough, just about any predator will come out during the day. Foxes and coyotes will attack during the day. Dogs are definitely a threat, depending on where you live. Will your chickens be free ranging, or do you have a run for them? If you have a run, I'd suggest making sure it's covered. Hawks will fly right in, and coyotes, dogs and fox can all jump over or climb if they're really determined. Welded wire or hardware cloth is best for your run. Chicken wire keeps nothing out. It's easily chewed through or pulled apart. I'm really not trying to discourage or scare you - just trying to help you figure things out. Enjoy your chickens! It's a fun hobby.

Most all the predators can attack during the day, but Hawks and Canines are the most likely, along with Snakes in warmer weather

Good luck with your Silkies
Primary daytime predators:
Hawks and other birds of prey
Wandering dogs (pets or strays)
Wandering cats
Bluejays can be predator to small chicks

Primary nighttime predators

There are some predators that are mainly nocturnal, but will easily be out during the day as well.
Fox (I have a daytime fox in my neighborhood)
Raccoons will be out during the day if they get scared off their nest, didn't find enough food at night, or are sick
Same goes for possums and skunks.
Coyotes will also venture out during the day but the circumstances on that depends on human and natural prey population where you live. If there is a high human population and a low predator population, the coyotes get a lot less cautious of humans and will be out during the day. This is when attacks on small children happen.
The most dangerous predators during the day, are the ones that are thought to mainly be nocturnal. Mainly because they aren't as expected and they seem to be a lot more relentless when it comes to finding food. This is just from personal experience.
Thank You SO much!!! Thank you for all the responses!

Now I know what they are. We have hawks also. I live AZ, and I love AZ!
Thank You SO Much! I now know!!!

I live in AZ! I love AZ! We also have Hawks. So scary!!!

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