What are everyone's chickens names and why?

I just got my chickens and there names are all the girls off the food network. plus Kelly Rippa. so they are Rachael Ray, Jada, Contessa, Paula, Robin, Sara, and Sandra
My kids love Max and Ruby too we have a Barred Rock Roo his name is Demon..........he is the Devil I swear........he is 15 weeks old and he is down right mean sometimes ......my kids named him after the mean dog on the movie Snow Dogs..........it was on TV the week we got the chickens.........and then he grew into his name...........we have 4 Red Stars........names Whitey, Sun, Straw, and Sand.............3 Barred Rocks Booger, Lola, And Goody........and 3 RIR Mrs. Cluck , Ida, and Tiny............and we have 7 golden Buffs the roo is Rambo and no one else has a name yet.........my kids name the chicks it is fun that way and the are 5 and 3 and know exactly who is who........
Hey, I have an Ameraucana named Cleo!
For the same reason, of course - when your Cleo grew did she lose her eyeliner? Mine are only a week old!

Also have an Ameraucana named Cannonball. The five year old named her because she has these three dots on her head that look like a pile of cannonballs to him.
I would have called her Dot (Dorothy), but when you let a kid name a chicken, this is what you get.

And two Buff Orps named Hazel and Beulah for no good reason except they are sweet old lady names.
We have had more fun naming chickens, mostly my kids. Our black leghorn is Comander, because she is, The Giant fuzzy footed cochin is Effie from Dream girls because she is big, brown and beautiful. We have Pearl, a white leghorn, Elphaba the green witch from Wicked because of her future green eggs (aracana), Machaca and Crouton were named because, even though we don't plan to eat the names were funny and Our dog almost did have Machaca for breakfast. Cher is our silver Polish and let me tell you she is always the last one on the stage with her big feather head dress. Miss J, (the fashion queen) is a fancy Polish as well. Then there is Lisa, K.C. (Kentucky Col.), Ruby, Spaz, Lady Hawk and our Favorite Adena which means life, she almost didn't make it.
There I think that's it. Have fun, we sure are.......oh there is the exotic that we don't know what she is but we named her Roxy when we thought she was a Rhode Island Red, she is grey, black and White now......who knows? The rabbit living with the chickens are Lilly and Clover. What a hoot!
Our girls are called

Tre cool
brick top

Yes Yes all boys names tee hee!!! Oh got to name two more tomorrow
My youngsters are true-blue, red-blooded, purebred Mexican What-Have-Yous. Chicken Heinz 57s.
My roo is named Rafael. Because we live in Mexico, and I really like that name. One of my girls is Indy, because she is so industrious when she's out, and rustling up grub. My other girl's name I changed from Bonita (pretty, in Spanish), not because she isn't; she is very pretty (pics coming!), but she is SOOOO laid back, and mellow, and so I changed her name to Serena.
Have fun with your imagination!
Well We have Mumble the barred rock because he looked like the little penguins on happy feet. Has a deformed toe and walks funny.
Black Betty our almost black barred rock.(After the song)
Sunny a Buff orpington
3 bantams all girls I think? The stooges
Pepper a RiR
Glory a arucana
Griffon a Mille fluer
Spaz our silkie
Our 3 broilers BUbba, Butch and Rip
And my neice and nephews chicks.
Fuzzy a cochin
Choo choo an americana
sparkle ? sex link
And some that don't really have names cause they aren't staying. By fall we are getting down to six standards and a couple bantams. I have a hard time picking the keepers! I'd have 50 if the hubby would let me!
Lump: black japenese
Biddy:slw pullet
Cinamon:unusualy light colored mille fleur
Garlic:smallest mille fleur, very sweet
We have 9 little chickies that are almost a month old. One three of them have names so far. My little niece came over the other day and insisted we give them names. Without missing a beat, she grabbed a Buff Orpington and announced, "Her name is Noodles." So, Noodles she is.
I came in on the girls the next morning to find them all ganging up on one poor little Black Australorp. When I stopped them from attacking her, she was shunned to the far corner for the afternoon. She's since been allowed back into the group and everything seems to be fine. Still, she's Hester, after Hester Prinn from THE SCARLET LETTER.
The 3rd one doesn't have so dramatic a story. Another niece chose to name the leader of my little flock Buster, because it's a dog's name and she acts like a dog.
We have several nieces and nephews, ages 1 1/2 to 13 years, so we've decided to let them all name the chicks. I'm sure more fun stories will follow...

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