What are favorite vegies to feed to chickens?


A few of you have posted that you give your flock Kale. This confuses me (so easy to do anyway!

By the way, still looking for info on if celery is ok or not...any advice?


We don't feed celery, as I would be concerned the "strings" could cause crop impaction. However, one of my friends juices her celery and gives her flock (100+ birds) the juice mixed with their layer mash.

Our chickens have been eating Brassica foods since they were 2 months old. We don't feed kale, cabbage,etc. too often, but do feed more greens in the winter when grass is scarce here in NE Ohio.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, foods high in oxalic acid, such as cabbage, spinach, and sweet potatoes, may slightly inhibit manganese absorption.

In laying and breeding birds, manganese deficiency results in lowered egg production, reduced eggshell strength, poor hatchability, and reduced fertility.

So just like people, a chicken's human food should be everything in moderation.

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