What are my two Pekins doing? Video Included


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Newfoundland, Canada
My ducks are 10 and a half weeks old, today two of them (Basil and Iris) starting doing this:

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I am guessing that this is the beginning of one duck courting another, I've noticed the two of them hanging around together a lot in the past week. Today I was lucky enough to have witnessed this and captured it on video. They seem to really adore each other but I am bias so I'd love to hear what you think. I love all the sounds they are making and the tail fluff at the end!
So what are your thoughts on this behavior? Is it a pre-mating ritual? Or bonding? Have you seen it before? Do your ducks do it? I hope to see it more often, it melted my heart!
My pekins have done this also.Its so cute.I dont know what it means though,sorry i couldnt be more help.Thanks for sharing your video.My pekins have started bobbing their head up and down now to each other and the female will lay her head down on top of the water and the male will then try to breed her. All your ducks are so pretty!!!
Are you absolutely certain they aren't both males?

The only time I've seen that behaviour is when two males are maturing and trying to prove dominance. At this age it looks cute; another few weeks and it may not look so cute.
Are you absolutely certain they aren't both males?

The only time I've seen that behaviour is when two males are maturing and trying to prove dominance. At this age it looks cute; another few weeks and it may not look so cute.
I was wondering the same thing having 2 drakes and a gander. But my boys have never been that gentle with each other.
My pekins have done this also.Its so cute.I dont know what it means though,sorry i couldnt be more help.Thanks for sharing your video.My pekins have started bobbing their head up and down now to each other and the female will lay her head down on top of the water and the male will then try to breed her. All your ducks are so pretty!!!
You've seen yours act this way too? Were they a female and male couple? How old are yours now? Thanks for watching my video and your thoughts on it. Our ducks often bop their heads at us, I love that behavior too

Are you absolutely certain they aren't both males?

The only time I've seen that behaviour is when two males are maturing and trying to prove dominance. At this age it looks cute; another few weeks and it may not look so cute.
I was wondering the same thing having 2 drakes and a gander. But my boys have never been that gentle with each other.
They are only 11 weeks old and they are still going through their voices changing so I can't be 100% sure. But we think it is a male and female. Two of our Pekins are loud and sound similar, one is quiet and only makes a grunt noise. I guess we'll find out for sure when they get their drake feathers. What makes you think it might be a dominance thing? I viewed it as playful and sweet. I was thinking more like a sexual mating ritual or something...? Do they sound like males to you guys? Any more thoughts? They have only interacted this way with each other not with the 5 other ducks. If it is a dominance thing what other signs can I expect to see?
I guess really only time will tell
You've seen yours act this way too? Were they a female and male couple? How old are yours now?  Thanks for watching my video and your thoughts on it. Our ducks often bop their heads at us, I love that behavior too

They are only 11 weeks old and they are still going through their voices changing so I can't be 100% sure. But we think it is a male and female. Two of our Pekins are loud and sound similar, one is quiet and only makes a grunt noise. I guess we'll find out for sure when they get their drake feathers. What makes you think it might be a dominance thing? I viewed it as playful and sweet. I was thinking more like a sexual mating ritual or something...? Do they sound like males to you guys?  Any more thoughts? They have only interacted this way with each other not with the 5 other ducks. If it is a dominance thing what other signs can I expect to see?
I guess really only time will tell:idunno

I have 5males &2 female pekins. Y es i have seen mine do this. Dont know if it was both males or male and female.They havent done it in a while.They are 16 wks old.They get along great even the males for now.When they do start showing domince toward one enother they lower their head slightly hold wings out and chase each other.So for they run so no fights.In the next wk though my DH will be putting 3 males in freezer.( they have angle wing one has no tail and the other has a crooked spine.)Not good genes to pass on.I also have 3female mallards 1 male. the females do the same as your pekins also i always thought it was cause they liked each other.Im no expert though. :)
They are only 11 weeks old and they are still going through their voices changing so I can't be 100% sure. But we think it is a male and female. Two of our Pekins are loud and sound similar, one is quiet and only makes a grunt noise. I guess we'll find out for sure when they get their drake feathers. What makes you think it might be a dominance thing? I viewed it as playful and sweet. I was thinking more like a sexual mating ritual or something...? Do they sound like males to you guys? Any more thoughts? They have only interacted this way with each other not with the 5 other ducks. If it is a dominance thing what other signs can I expect to see?
I guess really only time will tell

Ducks are like chickens, they have to establish a "pecking order". If you look closely, they are nipping at one another. They don't have hands or horns, so they use their necks to try and get a grip of the other one, who will try to dodge that to get a grip himself; look a little closer and you will see the one on the right is trying to unbalance the one on the left. Because they are 11 weeks old, it will look endearing, but when their hormones kick in the behaviour will become more determined and they will try to pull each others feathers out. A bit like it looks cute when two toddlers try to snatch toys from one another, but a whole different story when those two toddlers become hormonal teens

When a male is courting a female, its more a head bobbing style of communication (until he gets the green light, then he'll approach her from behind, grab the back of her neck, climb on to her back and begin treading her).

Now, I do hope I'm mistaken and its a pair being friendly; its just not how it looks to me from my experience.
What mum said makes alot of sence.It may have been my male pekins doing this since i have so many.So i would take her advice over mine:)I havent had ducks very long.So i think maybe i should start paying closer attention to my ducks to be sure they dont start fighting.Good luck with your ducks.
When they bob their heads up and down, that is their mating dance, i don't know what your pekins were doing though

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