What are some pain relievers for ducks that don’t require a prescription?


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I have a duck whose feet are badly frostbitten. His feet and lower legs are swollen and purple. The tissue is obviously dying and I'm fairly certain that he's going to lose his legs.

I'm willing to work with him, but I want something to help relieve his pain. According to the following link Carprofen and Meloxicam are safe, but both require a veterinarian's prescription.


Is there a safe pain reliever for ducks that I can buy without a prescription?
I wish I knew of one.

You might also try posting on the emergencies forum.

So sorry to read about the frostbite.
Thanks Amiga.

Hopefully someone will know. I'd really like to give this guy a chance, but it'd be cruel to make him go through this without a pain reliever.
note that grains are not the same as mg. So see where it says the 324 mg.

I don't know anything about ducks- you will have to determine whether they mean ducks also.
I hope this helps.

This is from the first link I found:

"Dr. Lauren Powers a Carolina Veterinary Specialist, strongly suggests ducks not be given aspirin due to the risk of kidney failure. I know several places on the internet recommend it so I wanted to add a note about this."

I'm not sure if it's worth the risk, but thanks for the link.
Nothing good...

He is still in extreme pain. You can see it in his eyes. His feet and lower legs are dying and it'll probably be weeks before they actually fall off.

I went to our vet yesterday. They told me they couldn't sell me either drug because they were prescription only. They couldn't write a prescription because they don't treat ducks.

I can buy live virus vaccines, needles, and antibiotics, but I can't buy a mild pain reliever used for dogs with arthritis. Really? I know they're trying to prevent it from being abused, but still.

I really don't want it to come to this, but I think I need to consider putting him down... It'd be cruel to make him suffer this kind of pain for weeks.
I'm so sorry to hear they wouldn't help. Did you try any other vets in your area? you never know may land on one who would be sympathetic. I'm sorry poor thing. . Also you have to consider the big under taking of having a duck without legs, I just read on the emergency thread this morning about a rooster that lost both it's legs to FB but she is going to have this rooster live in her house the rest of it's life. It's a big responsibility. Do you have any idea how this happened?


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