What are some treats that chickens like? And How does it affect egg laying?

Every piece of veggie or fruit scrap that comes out of the kitchen goes to the compost pile, where my hens are eagerly waiting.  They all LOOOOOVE watermelon, two of them go ape over apple cores, one loves bananas...  when it comes to fruit they're just generally in heaven.  For the ultimate treat I throw them dog kibble- granted I feed a grain-free fish-based kibble, or meat.  They love bone marrow and raw meat (well, at least raw deer meat, so I discovered), and to many people's horror they go bonkers over cooked chicken!  I rarely give them meat, but they love it when I do- the thing they will actually jump up for!  
I have been really worried about giving treats. I have 6 buff orpingtons. My orpingtons are only 22 weeks. Only one is laying an egg a day. I feel so bad when they stand at the pen and squawk at me for a treat. I read in this book that it should never take more than 15 or 20 minutes for all the treats to be gone. I give a handful of mealworms for the protein, a little scoop of chicken scratch, and any greens or fruit we might have left from the fridge. I spread it all around so there is no fighting. Their favorite is wheat bread. They want me to hold it so they can take little bites. I don't do bread all the time. I was glad to hear some people put out grapes. I know they are bad for dogs and cats so I didn't give them to my chickens. I only let them free range from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. It is so hard to get them back in the pen if I do it in the morning. We have a lot of predators so I have to stay out there the entire time. They can hear me put out the treats from across the yard and they come running. I never saw them eat their crumbles until I hung the two containers from the ceiling. Now there is less mess and I can see how much they are eating. Thankyou to everyone that posted. I have learned so much from my book, but the real deal is always the best source.
well i dont know if you would call it giving treats but i give my ladies scraps similar to what you do. in fact i feed them on almost entirely scraps. everytime i walk near the coop they all gather by the front of the fence and expact me to throw them something, when i dont they go back to doing whatever chickens do. in the past when i didn't have much money i feed my flock on entirely leftover food from whatever i ate and they layed just fine. My curent flock has access all the time to the store bought feed but honestly they hardly touch it. they get bits of veggies, grass clippings when i mow the lawn, garden clippings and whatever worms i happen to find feasting on my plants. they also chase the few flies that always seem to fly around the coop area, and believe it or not someone told me to give them yogurt it you have a container or 2 that are past there use by date. turned out my chickens LOVE it. in short, give them whatever you want really. they will eat what they like and leave the rest to compost for you beneath their feet. and they will tell you what they like, because what they dont like will be left on the ground and kicked around. as long as you have food available to them they will be fine. feed them "treats" whenever you have them to give. maybe think about doing what i did and start a mealworm colony( its cheeper to raise them than it is to buy them) it doesn't need to take up much room to raise a bunch. once that gets going you can throw a few in the coop and watch them play " chicken football", or if you dont need the entertainment just hand feed one or two to each of them every once in a while. i tend to do this a few times a week just for the entertainment value ...lol. in any case good luck and your doing just fine. dont worry about it so much.
Ordered some Australorp's for the first time. I saw your list that says you had 8? How do they feather out from chicks to chicken? How are their temperament?
Ordered some Australorp's for the first time. I saw your list that says you had 8? How do they feather out from chicks to chicken? How are their temperament?

I have a lot more than 8 now...chicken math! lol I'm not sure if I know what you mean about how they feather out. They start out black and yellow and they turn out all black with a pretty green sheen in the sunlight. I don't really keep chickens as pets so temperament is not something I care that much about. I have gotten in a couple fist fights with my roo. He's a bit aggressive when he forgets his place. I'm sure to remind him when he does. The hens all seem OK...a little skittish maybe but I don't hold them or baby them. None of this probably helped but that's all I have.
It did help, but I am concerned now that you mention that your Australorp's started out black and yellow. Mine are black, with some white. Should I be worried??

About the "feathering-out".....how do they look as they get older. Chicks go through a bad growth spurt when they are growing their feathers, but some don't look as ugly as others.That is what I was getting at.
As for the temperament.....I don't handle my chickens much either, but when it comes to needing to handle them, I want them comfy with me enough, to get to them if I need to....like if they are hurt and such. And their temperament towards other breeds/chickens.
Thanks for your input.

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