What are some treats that chickens like? And How does it affect egg laying?

I guess their chest is more white than yellow now that you point it out. That chick looks fine. It looks like an Australorp! When growing their feathers out, they definitely go through what my wife and I call, their "awkward teen days". lol. Mine have gotten spotty white areas, ugly feathers and so forth but it doesn't take long for them to become good looking solid black birds. I don't know what you would worry about really anyway, unless you are planning to show them. To me, if they lay lots of eggs, they are perfect! I have lots of Australorps, Black Copper Marans, White Leghorns and a few other pure breeds...and now I have tons of barnyard mix that lay just great.
That helps....thanks. :)
I am not going to show them, but I like the concept of the solid black. I'm glad it doesn't take them long to black-out.
I am partial to Rhode Island Reds, but I am liking the Australorp's so far. :)
Good luck to you and your wife....chicken farming is fun.....can't wait for some good home grown eggs. :)
Thanks for replying.
my chicks LOVE.. LOVE bread! i dont know if its good for them to eat though any reason not to use as a treat. i use atleast a slice or two with my 8 bigger ones and one half slice once a day with my 22 baby chicks afraid it might get them poopy butt or something.
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