What are the best meds to keep on hand?


9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
I have a small backyard flock, so may not be as vunerable to many conditions as larger flocks, but would like to keep a few remedies on hand. They are under 1 year old right now and have not been wormed. I did buy vaccinated chicks, so I am assuming that was for Mareks.

Can anyone give me a few suggestions?

Much appreciated.
I don't know if this is the type of "meds" you are talking about but I always keep a tube of Triple Antibiotic Ointment and Blue Kote.
Thank you for the Blue Kote suggestion. I will be sure to grab some.

What about things like Corrid, Wazine or Vimectrin Gold? Are these store bought meds, or only from a vet?
I keep colloidal silver, comfrey salve, and pumkin seeds (for worming). If you are into reading, there's a great book out there called, 'City Chicks'. It has so much information, you'll be thrilled. Best of luck!
I keep Vet RX, Rescue Remedy, Blukote, peroxide, betadine, Sulmet, Eprinex, Preparation H, Pedialyte, Poly-Vi-Sol, Neosporin, Bag Balm, syringes, Vet Wrap, pine tar and poultry dust. I need to get some Vitamin E caps, cat gut and possibly some new penicillin (mine just expired). This is the stuff I commonly keep around at all times.
Sulmet- cocci
Eprinex- bugs inside and out
Prep H- prolapse
Pine tar- picking, but I hate this stuff so I rarely use it
poultry dust- bugs in the coop
Vit E- general conditioning agent. Most vitamin deficiencies in chickens are B or E. Poly-Vi-Sol has the B, but Vitamin E is fat soluble so it has to be gotten elsewhere.

I will be asipring to become as organized as you are with the meds! I've managed to pick-up about half of that list so far.

Do you keep anything on hand for worming? Is that what you use Eprinex for?
That's what I use the Eprinex for. Thanks for the compliment. My medical kit is not as all-encompassing as some, but I keep what I need on hand. A few years with a flock will leave you prepared for most emergencies.

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