What are the final steps in butchering a chicken?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
DeRidder, LA
I saw a You-tube video and the guy said to make the chicken more tender was to let it rest in the refrigerator two days before eating or freezing. He said if you ate a fresh killed chicken that rigomortous would set in and make the meat tough.
What are your thoughts?
The first batch of CX's that we did we set one aside to eat that evening, It was pretty tough and the DW and I wondered what was wrong.

I then let the rest age in the fridge for three days and we cooked another one and at was great. You can tell the difference by picking up the bird and everything is relaxed.

If you do not have room in the fridge you can age them in an ice chest. Keep the water drained and fresh ice added.

Good Luck
We always let our poultry rest in the fridge for a couple days before putting in the freezer to give the muscles a chance to relax. Good Luck! :)
With the CX's I usually give them a quick rinse with the hose before the kill, to clean them off some.. I made some killing cones out of jugs similar to bleach jugs, cut out the bottom and around the top of the jug for the neck. Hang them and make the cut and bleed.. Watch the temp of the scalding water and don't get too hot. I then cool them off in cold water.. Then pluck. Gut, rinse out, then to the fridge to rest and age. On the larger birds, I will usually split the carcass in half so they will fit in a gallon freezer bag.
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I made cones out of metal flashing but the birds did not fit will. I think a large bleach jug with a metal flashing extension on it (to make it deeper) might be perfect. I hosed them off after killing and before scalding. Then they went in the plucker. Once each chicken was done, I put it in a large ice bath (55 gallon barrel full of ice and water) to pre-chill, then packed the body cavity with ice and packed them into coolers to rest for 3 days. Then I cut each one up and vacuum sealed it for the freezer.

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