What are the the best meat birds that grow up to 5 lbs or 6 lbs .

ok this is just me but arnt cornish cross mostly fat
Your kidding right !!!!!, they have the best tasting meat of any chicken bar none, that is why they were selected for the commercial meat industry amoung other factors. There are challenges with raising them but most folks can't get past their purpose and prefer the cute fluffy things they can name and spoil. these birds have a purpose and a good one at that, fact is if you want good meat the cornish are king.
Other breeds are definitely leaner, but CX are mostly meat. May I suggest standard cornish as a meat bird? Hatchery birds will get to be 8-10- lbs live and 5-7 lbs dressed but will take some time to get that heavy. what about cornish batnams. They are a quarter of the standard size. The last time I raised cornish bantams I got some 2-3 lb little meaties at 6 months.
Respectfully disagree here.................. Hatchery birds will never get that big, you are believing what they print in the birds bio, but very far from the truth. Hatchery birds will allways be on the very lean skinney side.
Respectfully disagree here.................. Hatchery birds will never get that big, you are believing what they print in the birds bio, but very far from the truth. Hatchery birds will allways be on the very lean skinney side.

I just did 3 CX that went a little long about thirteen weeks free range.
They are in the 12 lbs dressed range.
I made large kill cones they wouldn't fit in!
Only one bird would fit my 24" Whizbang plucker.
I'll have to learn how to post pics.

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