What are these lumps??


Jun 17, 2016
Pearland, TX
PLEASE tell me this is something treatable!! Ok, we have 11 chickens. 3 about 6mo old (all laying) and 8 about 4mo old (none laying). Many of them have been really sneezy the last couple months, but otherwise acting totally normal. A few weeks ago one of the older ones started sounding kind of raspy with her breathing. I started putting some VetRX in their water bowls each day. It comes and goes, not consistent, and she shows no other signs of illness that I can tell. (Though I did see her poop a pretty watery poop earlier today) But she’s eating, drinking, scratching, laying eggs, and being as active as everybody else. I noticed just today though these weird bump looking things in the corners of her mouth. And that none of the others have anything like it. Has anyone seen this before? What could it be??
You might want to let who ever you bought her from know too.
They should not be selling birds.
She hasn’t had any nasal dishcharge at all. Hmm. We got all the chickens from Seabreeze Hens.
She doesn't have to have discharge.
This stuff in the mouth is enough.

Do you have any idea how un biosecure Seabreaze is...I would never visit that place.
TOO many unknowing chicken owners carrying disease on their shoes visit there.

If you are going to try to treat you should treat hard and fast, but know that being a carrier for life will not change.

I am so sorry you are having to make this decision.
Yes it does...I might have said the wrong C word too quick.
My bad.
You are correct about the contagious and carrier part. Canker makes her a carrier and it can be passed along, it's also highly contagious, so the OP would want to separate the bird for treatment and clean/sanitize all shared water and feed stations. Acidified Copper Sulfate can be given to the flock to help lessen the spread.

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