What are these worms?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
We got rid of all our chickens several weeks ago but the manure was too frozen in the coop to clean until today. I did a major cleaning today, hosing the whole coop out and found a bunch of white translucent worms (they were all dead--not sure if it was as a result of the water or if they were dead before that as I didn't see them till I started hosing). They were about 1" long, translucent but then with white rings on the inside (like segments but not a tapeworm). Kind of pointy on both ends. Very thin. I've wormed for round worm before but these didn't look like round worms unless they were in a stage I'm not used to seeing. The wood was rotting out in some places of the nesting boxes and manure had packed in there; so I was wondering if they could possible be potworms I've read about? Just not sure. Thought I'd see if anyone has anything to offer.
Poultry worms are normally white or off white in color, or red in color...not translucent. I had to look up pics of "pot worms," and they are translucent.
Thanks. They looked like these in this picture; where I found this picture said these were found in the mud outside the coop but my coop is elevated so would there be any way for them to get inside on their own? I just can't imagine the birds having dropped that many without me seeing them in their droppings outside and all about the same size; 1" or less. I didn't start seeing them until I sprayed water into the crevices where the wood had rotted out.


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