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12 Years
Dec 4, 2007




(OMG isn't he HANDSOME?!)


all of these chickens currently reside at the south los angeles county animal shelter in downey. the shelter has posted no pictures of them so i'd like to put them on craig's list etc. if i can describe them in terms of sex and breed they have an even better chance at generating some interest!
thanks to everyone in advance!

f. weeble
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That number 4 looks exactly like a little roo at the feed store they say is an Old English Bantam, this one looks alot bigger though. Course they could be wrong, or heck, I've already been wrong once today about Olivia Newton John (lol!) so I may be on a roll too and this one may never have given a thought to being an old english anythign, lol!!!....soooo, mornin weeble, guess I was no help!!!!!!!!
1 & 2 are game hens, the rest are game roosters (except maybe the one with white ears & 4). I'm not keen on the different breeds involved (hatch, cross hatch, roundhead, etc...). Can you get another clear picture of the longer tailed rooster in the picture #3? That one could possibly be an oriental breed mix, but I'm not sure.
#'s 1, 2, 4, and 5 look like game birds,

#3, can't see the left bird good enough to guess,
but the one on the right looks like a golden spangled hamburg
Your #4 looks like a New Hampshire Red to me, but I'm no expert! He is gorgeous!! May I have your permission to use that photo to do an oil painting from?

hi laurelsh!

of course you can do a painting of him! he and i would be honored. he is sittin' down at the downey los angeles county animal shelter waiting for a new home so he isn't mine at all. i took the pic so i could post him here and then on craig's list in hopes of generating some interest and getting him a home!
if you like i can email you the original photo, just send me your email info.
and i would really love to see the finished painting. so please keep me posted on that.
You know, if someone could transport him up to my neck of the woods, Arroyo Grande in San Luis Obispo County, our town has a wild creek running through it where we have a flock of wild roos! The town loves them, and they even stop traffic now and then...
One and two are game hens. and # 5 is a standard game rooster. The one in four is a cross possibly New Hampshire. The two roos in the pic #3 are possibly a game on the left and a cross breed on the right.

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