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6 Years
Jun 5, 2013
Claremore, Oklahoma USA
Not nearly an expert, but have been doing a lot of research on my own. I think the first is an Old English Game and as long as the second doesn't have feathered feet it is possibly an Easter Egger
The white one could possibly be an Easter Egger as the cheeks look slightly puffy. Knowing the leg color and comb type would help too. If she ends up laying blue eggs she is an Easter Egger. As long as she isn't an SOP Ameraucana she is an EE. EE just means a bird that carries the gene for blue eggs/lays blue eggs. Just to clarify, the majority of birds from hatcheries/feed stores sold as Ameraucanas are actually Easter Eggers. Hatchery EE's are a cross between a blue egg laying pure bred, either Araucana or Ameraucana and any breed the hatchery has handy. The possability that the "any breed they have handy" could be a bantam breed with feathered legs is quite possible. That would result in a bantam, feathered leg EE bird if it ends up laying blue eggs.

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