Happy for You
Lol, you and me both!! I placed my order from MPC back in November too. 2 EE, 1 Buff Brahma, 1 Buff Silkie, and 1 Barred Rock. I have all my brooder supplies and am counting down the days to April 7! These are my first chickens. I am glued to these forums rooting for everyone else for a safe delivery!

Joyce, Shannon and Jackie ..THE best customer service!
from murray mcmurray. I received them on Saturday. 3 black stars, 2 dark brahma, 6 standar cochins, 2 welsummers, 1 golden campine, 2 polish, 7 reg ranger broilers, 2 delawares, 1 golden wyandotte, 1 barred rock, and 1 I haven't identified yet. I also have 12 frizzle swedish hens eggs in my incubator due to hatch next Monday (1st time). After they hatch I have 6 ancona duck eggs and 12 bantam cochin eggs coming. Having fun with the babies and can't wait for more.
I have polish and they are some of our favorites. Our favorite white polish, Bobbie, was killed a few weeks ago and we are really sad. Just received 2 more baby polish, (Troy and Gabby) on Saturday. They will keep our remaining silver laced polish Mindy company.
Look who peeped in this morning.... I just love how that little black one was checking out the camera! hahaha Now, I must figure out what they all are. Quite a few polish in there, and cochin. I think I have a buff easter egger. But I will probably need help to figure all that out. I did however lose two in travel. Wahh! And I have one that Im worried about. It seems very worn out, I got it to take some drinks of water but even with everyone jumping on her, she won't stand all the way up.

^This is her. I picked her up and she just nestled into my hand, didn't even open her eyes. Im gonna keep watching her she seems like she is very sweet. One of the buff's is VERY curious. If I stick my hand in at all, she is right there to investigate. I moved the feeder and she jumped everyone to get to it and see what I did! I can tell she is going to be a goofy one. And for polish to be kinda considered the "dumb" birds, they took right to eating and drinking the quickest. Well, had to update this morning! I was SO happy to get that call! They made it!!
I have polish and they are some of our favorites. Our favorite white polish, Bobbie, was killed a few weeks ago and we are really sad. Just received 2 more baby polish, (Troy and Gabby) on Saturday. They will keep our remaining silver laced polish Mindy company.
Look who peeped in this morning.... I just love how that little black one was checking out the camera! hahaha Now, I must figure out what they all are. Quite a few polish in there, and cochin. I think I have a buff easter egger. But I will probably need help to figure all that out. I did however lose two in travel. Wahh! And I have one that Im worried about. It seems very worn out, I got it to take some drinks of water but even with everyone jumping on her, she won't stand all the way up. ^This is her. I picked her up and she just nestled into my hand, didn't even open her eyes. Im gonna keep watching her she seems like she is very sweet. One of the buff's is VERY curious. If I stick my hand in at all, she is right there to investigate. I moved the feeder and she jumped everyone to get to it and see what I did! I can tell she is going to be a goofy one. And for polish to be kinda considered the "dumb" birds, they took right to eating and drinking the quickest. Well, had to update this morning! I was SO happy to get that call! They made it!!
Give that weak baby a bit of sugar water ..just a little bit ..it will get her energized and eating
Lets see the ones you dont know yet, see if we can guess. Did you have any issues with shipping with mcmurray? I got mine this morning a day late, and I just lost a polish and I think I may be losing another. That will make 6 chicks so far that we have lost. (Btw, the buff, my mother called, she had to cull it.) I just cleaned 6 pasty butts and I'm gonna try to leave them alone as much as possible to help them to relax and not to stress them anymore than they have to, to be cared for.
Not sure what else I can do for them that Im not already.
Sorry about your dead babies. I didn't have any issues with McMurray except they arrived early and I wasn't ready for them. I got 28 and they all made it. I have had some pasty butt and am watching for more, but they are all active and eating and drinking.
I have polish and they are some of our favorites. Our favorite white polish, Bobbie, was killed a few weeks ago and we are really sad. Just received 2 more baby polish, (Troy and Gabby) on Saturday. They will keep our remaining silver laced polish Mindy company.
Awwww!!! Sounds like the breed has been endearing for you! We are very excited to watch them grow!! Congrats on your new additions!

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