The difficult part about doing that is that most of the breeds I want are now sold out for the next several weeks - including a few after the week I ordered mine for. So it wouldn't be available any sooner. One in particular had extremely limited quantities and the entire *year* sold out soon after they were listed (white frizzle cochin).
That's a problem. In fact I ordered 14 more chicks last night from Meyer and have to wait until August for the breeds I want. If you don't get the breeds you really want then you'll keep reordering. That's what happens to me. I think I now have most of the breeds I want, but then I will have 69 chickens when the last ones come in August. I started with 7 two years ago.
That's a problem.  In fact I ordered 14 more chicks last night from Meyer and have to wait until August for the breeds I want.  If you don't get the breeds you really want then you'll keep reordering.  That's what happens to me.  I think I now have most of the breeds I want, but then I will have 69 chickens when the last ones come in August.  I started with 7 two years ago.

Haha that's how I got up to 79!! Ordered in dec kept adding and added a hatchery :lol:
I'm so bummed!! I ordered 10 mille d'uccle chicks from my feed store 2 weeks ago and found out today their ship date from Ideal Poultry is April 30th. I was ready for them yesterday lol
HEhehhe today has been alot of fun with my new baby chicks.. been checking for pasty butts every few hours.. and cleaning up their poopies at the same time... holding them... my favorites so far are the barred rock and black austrolorp.. they just come right up to my hand every time i put it in there .. lol they are such little darlings.. evan got pooped on today... they definitely need care all the time..this is definitely going to be time consuming i swear it i wanna stare at them all the darn time.. lol..
HEhehhe today has been alot of fun with my new baby chicks.. been checking for pasty butts every few hours.. and cleaning up their poopies at the same time... holding them... my favorites so far are the barred rock and black austrolorp.. they just come right up to my hand every time i put it in there .. lol they are such little darlings.. evan got pooped on today... they definitely need care all the time..this is definitely going to be time consuming i swear it i wanna stare at them all the darn time.. lol..
HAHAHA! I have felt the same way! And I do go out and just sit with them a lot. Im trying not to handle mine a lot just yet cause with so many pasty bums right now, I need to get mine a little less stressed out! LOL Is there a chicken xanex out there?? LMBO j/k But I can't wait to really get to know each one. There is a couple in particular however that seem pretty curious, and will walk into my hand if I rest it in the brooder. One this evening just stared and stared at me. I told my husband she is becoming a fave cause she is so sweet. lol
HAHAHA! I have felt the same way! And I do go out and just sit with them a lot. Im trying not to handle mine a lot just yet cause with so many pasty bums right now, I need to get mine a little less stressed out! LOL Is there a chicken xanex out there?? LMBO j/k But I can't wait to really get to know each one. There is a couple in particular however that seem pretty curious, and will walk into my hand if I rest it in the brooder. One this evening just stared and stared at me. I told my husband she is becoming a fave cause she is so sweet. lol
I put a little sugar in their water (put the water at the opposite end of where the light is located) the food dish all the way down the middle.. and grogel (the frist few hours) under the light.. my chicks seem right at home.. they sleep under the light.. and hop all over the brooder.. lol
HAHAHA! I have felt the same way! And I do go out and just sit with them a lot. Im trying not to handle mine a lot just yet cause with so many pasty bums right now, I need to get mine a little less stressed out! LOL Is there a chicken xanex out there?? LMBO j/k But I can't wait to really get to know each one. There is a couple in particular however that seem pretty curious, and will walk into my hand if I rest it in the brooder. One this evening just stared and stared at me. I told my husband she is becoming a fave cause she is so sweet. lol

not xanex for chicks but if you want to calm down a grown chicken rub a little baby oil on you hand and pick up the chicken and let them smell the baby oil it will calm them right down just dont get it on their face i learned that from a game cock breeder
I put a little sugar in their water (put the water at the opposite end of where the light is located) the food dish all the way down the middle.. and grogel (the frist few hours) under the light.. my chicks seem right at home.. they sleep under the light.. and hop all over the brooder.. lol
They do look happy and right at home!!!

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