What are you watching?

I'm not watching anything; I'm playing around on some silly newsgroup about chickens, of all things!
The LOHTP books? Well, I wouldn't say they are "kid kid" books(like for ages 14 & under). When I was younger I hada hard time gtting through them. Now that I am older I have more of an appreciation for them :p
My brother says he hats the show but once I turn it on h's glued :lol:
Have you seen all of the episodes? I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone but I just watched an ep with my sister and it was that one with Mary ... ,_,

Also yeah - the books are maybe not 'kids' books, but that's what everyone thinks they are so I still feel like I have to defend my reading them :lol:

I have watchd the whol series before. Mary was always my favorit character. Now I'm on Season 6 again. I didn't remember a lot of the beginning shows, but I remember the 6th season a little.
So, I think the worst parts are when Mary goes blind (hated that!) and....
Sorry if somthing doesn't make sense. My "e" key is being moody..
And when they burn the whol town down at the end... I want to cry! lol.
I don't watch anything - I'm too busy on BYC and the tv doesn't work so I can't listen and type at the same time. Waiting for the 3rd.season of Dare Devil which I can stream on the monitor.

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