What are your New Year's Resolutions?


11 Years
May 28, 2009
South Central, PA
I normally don't keep mine, but I still make them anyways. Last year I vowed to stop biting my nails and worked really hard to accomplish that. This year I want to:

Make Dean's list again
Lose some weight before graduation and splurge on a great dress
Get a good job
Move out of my parent's house (maybe)
Try out gardening again and hope it works this time
Make a bed quilt

What resolutions are you all going to make?
1. Bigger garden,
2. Eat better,
3. Reduce buying and, when I do buy...
4. Buy locally.
I tried in 2008 to buy as little as possible of Chinese made products. I am still very concious of it today but have slid a bit. So I like your ideas. I will add: Exercise more and give myself more me time, esp. if it means just sitting with the chickies.
I Love your resolutions

My main resolution is to be thankful for the little things,
Appreciate all things as I have learned much
from what life brought my way this year. Much of which I fought
until I learned to accept.

The one thing that helps me to Accept more is the phrase
"This is my new normal"
Happy New Year and just so you know, I am thankful for
all you BYC folks who have contributed to many smiles
during my reluctance to acceptance.

Peace to you and yours in 2013
To buy "Made in USA," if I buy new.
To buy local.
To buy used, second hand as much as possible.
Decrease waste, and get rid of excess.
To eat organic as much as possible.

To have more fun this year than I had last year.

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