What bait to use for fox trapping


6 Years
Feb 11, 2017
A fox in my area killed 5 turkeys and injured one, now i want to trap him and shoot him, got the trap, got the gun, but what bait? tried using a dead turkey from the foxes latest heist+ some cat food around and in the trap, but it didn't work, so what bait?
its a big tube trap,
saw somebody put a quail in a cage then put it as bait, is that possible or too "inhumane" for the quail, like will it get scared to death
saw somebody put a quail in a cage then put it as bait, is that possible or too "inhumane" for the quail, like will it get scared to death
I personally see that as cruel, but I'm a big softie. I could see it getting scared enough to kill over. Centrarchid's pullet survived, though.
ETA: that trap looks awfully small. Or maybe its just the picture??
I would use a stinky can catfood... something fishy... open a can and leave it out in front, open another can and put in the trap.

As Trish1974 said, the trap looks pretty small for catching a fox... what are the dimensions?
the trap in the picture is small because i couldn't find the one that i have, although i've seen the fox and its as small as a cat
i got the cage ready for quail in it, put it where i've seen the fox, outside turkey pen

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