What Bantam breed is this??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
If anyone knows what she might be? I have tried to find her breed but i can't seem to find anything. If anyone knows i'd appreciate it. thank you!

Then I have this little guy, which I was thinking he was a Black Japanese Bantam but he's turning white too??
My best guess is that the pullet is a Dutch Bantam or Dutch Bantam/Old English Game cross. Your rooster appears to be a Grey Japanese Bantam.
Wow, I think you are pot on for both. I didn't even know there was a Grey, as I am new to the wonderful chicken world. She does look like a Dutch Bantam and I guess and she get's older I will be able to tell better. thank you very much!!
Wow, I think you are pot on for both. I didn't even know there was a Grey, as I am new to the wonderful chicken world. She does look like a Dutch Bantam and I guess and she get's older I will be able to tell better. thank you very much!!

I meant 'spot' not pot lol

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