What breed and color is this hen?


11 Years
Nov 25, 2008
I would love this color in the araucana. I just put her in a pen with a blue tufted roo. What color would this be. I assume she is some sort of easter egger. She lays green eggs, has willow legs. No beard or muff, wrong comb and wattles. Any thoughts?

I don't see any pics. I am thinking you are talking about the "camo" colored EE's a little black and mostly gold. I have no idea what the proper name for it is.
We need pics!
It looks to me like a brahma mix but i could be totaly wrong. And im new to BYC so i need help on how to make a post. Can you help me?
what kind of post do you want to make? If it is pictures. Go to uploads at the top of the page. Follow directions. Once it is uploaded to the your uploads page you can highlight the img line, copy, and paste into a post.

Maybe its called a forum? Iv seen alot of people start photo contests, i would like to start one, how do i do this?

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