What breed and gender?

They are basically anything that might be carrying a blue egg gene. Most hatchery Easter Eggers are similar to Ameraucana, but they aren't standard colors, they usually have yellow skin, they might lay blue, green, white, cream, brown, or pink eggs, and there is a wide range in sizes, temperament, and production ability.
They are basically anything that might be carrying a blue egg gene. Most hatchery Easter Eggers are similar to Ameraucana, but they aren't standard colors, they usually have yellow skin, they might lay blue, green, white, cream, brown, or pink eggs, and there is a wide range in sizes, temperament, and production ability.

X2 on the above. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html explaining the difference between Araucanas, Ameraucanas, and Easter Eggers (in USA terminology).
Thank You, I've learnt something new today.
So now that you gave me your opinions here is what I was told when I bought the fertilized egg. Wheaten ameraucana. I figured he is a rooster due to tail feathers. So when I looked up wheaten ameraucanas online I couldn't find anything resembling this guy. Thus I was hoping for your input. Now I guess you all vote EE over ameraucana?

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