What breed and what sex are these two?


8 Years
May 6, 2011
Union, WV
I have asked about these two before. But I thought I would ask again. They are around 6-7 weeks old. They have had their wattles since they was 4 weeks and grew way faster. Then the other 8 chicks I got the same time as them.





I was thinking they are both boys too. Someone else on here said that one of them was a Buff Orp but I was not real sure on him. I have looked at other pictures of Buff Orp's but didn't really think he looked like one.

So I guess we named them right then Sam & Roscoe.
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seem like barred rock X buff orbington to me (ive seen them mixed and had some temp), they could both be hens, as mine developed much faster than the seperate two kinds had at same time. comb was huge and thick, along with spurs and tails, on cockerels weeks at least to month before two seperate breeds. the crosses were alot tougher, friendlier, and smarter, so maybe something to that hybrid vigor.. but then again the two pure kinds were hatchery stock, and the crosses were free range farm stock.

what mix are they?
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They both look like boys. Very pretty too. I don't know what either breed is but I don't think it is a 100% buff orp. Here are some photos of my buff orps that are about 9 weeks old in the photo. As you can see in the photo, I have two are roosters. I named them Elmer and Henry.


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