What breed are my 4 new bantam chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 9, 2014

The yellow one has 5 toes with feathers on it's feet. Black one has feathers on it's feet as well.
I agree the yellow is likely a Favorelle.

If the black (can't tell in photo) has feathers running on the outside of the leg down the toe, I think it is a Marans as it looks more like that in down and body type vs. Cochin. If it has feathers running completely down the leg, then Cochin.

Chipmunk chick might be a Silver Leghorn...but it could be a lot of things as there are a lot of chicks that down color.

The last chick looks to be a Sicilian Buttercup...the comb will be the final confirmation...it should have a cup like comb base.

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Where did you get them? If from a hatchery then the Faverolles isn't a bantam. None of the hatcheries have Fav bantams. The one to the right of the yellow chick does look like a Buttercup, which also does not come in bantam. Black chick could be Cochin, or as Lady of McCamley points out Marans. I haven't seen enough Marans chicks to be familiar with their appearance. The striped chick could be one of several breeds. Knowing where they came from could narrow it down.
I got them from a feed shop, which I'm pretty sure gets their chicks from Ideal. Here are a couple new pictures. Little black fuzzy feet one has weird feathers. They are not laying against it's body like the other ones.

I got them from a feed shop, which I'm pretty sure gets their chicks from Ideal. Here are a couple new pictures. Little black fuzzy feet one has weird feathers. They are not laying against it's body like the other ones. Bantam Cochin...if weird feathers, might be a frizzle...but I think you get those from breeders not feed stores

Below, Facing: top, if that is a rose comb (and it looks like it might be?) Gold Laced Wyandotte.
Second facing, if buttercup comb (can't see really well), Sicilian Buttercup


Probably a Favorelle, but isn't showing much beard. Can't be Silkie as white/yellow skin/beak (unless mix). Not sure on this one with the 5 toes should be Favorelle or Silkie if Ideal.

Can't tell...need to see face too.
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New pictures of the bantams.
More pictures now that they are older. Wondering if anyone can tell me sex of these two? I am pretty sure I can tell on my other two.





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