What breed are these chickens?? Are they BBS Orpingtons???

momma's chickens

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
I hatched some eggs this last spring, was suppose to be BBS Orpingtons. I hatched out 7 babies, one didn't make it. Out of the six that did, I have a gorgeous splash rooster, a blue rooster, two blue hens and then these chickens. One is splash colored and one is black. They are both hens but there feathers aren't fluffy like the other blue hens. Their feathers are more close to the body, they are smaller birds. Are they indeed Orps? And if not what are they?


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Their feathers do seem more close to the body and they have massive combs and waddles. But I don't own any Orpingtons but maybe this will give you a bump* Very pretty though.
Could a Leghorn have jumped the fence into the orp pen?
with those big combs and wattles, and the white earlobes, I would say some manner of Mediterranean Class bird got in there. Could be Blue Andalusian? I'm not sure, but the earlobes and tail seem Mediterranean to me....
Thanks, they do have big wattles compared to the other BBS hens, but not compared to some of my other hens. They have never crowed and my other BBS roosters have beautiful rooster feathers.
I don't know but I agree. I definitely am not going to breed them back to my BBS Orp roo. I have suspected for a long time that they are mixed with something. I have pm the person who sent me the eggs but haven't got a response back yet.

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