What breed are these chickens?

Not knowing a background makes it extremely hard to pinpoint a mix. Especially when most chicken breeds don't have many distinguishing characteristics from other breeds. They could be a mix of mixes. It is about like looking at a person and trying to guess their ancestry. I am mostly German. Would you know that by looking at me?

I think I saw a partial crest on one. That means somewhere in that one's background there was likely Polish, Houdan, Sultan, Silkie, Spitz, CCLB, or Crèvecœur. Doesn't look like it was up close as the crest is barely there.

We'll look at better pics and try to guess, but they will be just that: guesses.
I will try to take a better picture. I'm new on this and I thought this is a common breed and that's why I needed to know their name.
I will try to take a better picture. I'm new on this and I thought this is a common breed and that's why I needed to know their name.
They probably are a mix of common breeds. Most likely Production Red/RIR mixes. Except for those crests and modified combs. Those are coming from something else. Most likely Polish a couple generations back. Maybe Wyandotte.

What color are their eggs? Light brown I'm assuming.
They probably are a mix of common breeds. Most likely Production Red/RIR mixes. Except for those crests and modified combs. Those are coming from something else. Most likely Polish a couple generations back. Maybe Wyandotte.

What color are their eggs? Light brown I'm assuming.
These are their eggs:
Oh location helps too!

@Rhodebar Lover, you're good at foreign birds. What do you think here?
I should've noted that earlier but I didn't think that would help. Thank you for trying to help.
It's fine! just clearing up confusion! (my english isn't great either :gig )
I've learned that female chickens are called hens in this forum and I still forgot it now lol. Thank you

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