What Breed are these Extra Males in My IDEAL Order?


11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
So. California

My babies just arrived today from IDEAL.....
EVERYONE happy and full of energy .... THANKS IDEAL !!!!

I have a question about the BLACK MALES that were added for warmth to my order:

Does anyone know what breed it is?

I need to give the BLACK extras away ..... FREE if anyone lives in So. Cal and wants to pick them up....I live in Santa Clarita.

If I can't give them away here, I will advertise on Craigs List or ask a local Feed Store if they want them .... just so I look like I know what I am talking about, I would like to know what BREED these Black ones are ...... if no reply here, I'll just try to call IDEAL in the morning.

My babies are:
6 white FRIZZLES
straight run ....

I'll need to get rid of the boys, once I know who is who ....

Enjoy the photo !

My kids and I are LOVING our new babies !!!!!!!




Yes, when the first one went to sleep, all stretched out, he/she did look dead to me too .... I thought, "Oh no! I've lost one" .... but then someone stepped on him/her and it opened its eyes......

crazy little guys .... just step all over each other ... no consideration for their sleeping buddies at all !!!


aww. There so cute, I didn't know that chicks came in orange.

The black chicks are Austrolorps.

Did Ideal send the chicks to your P.O. for you to pick up?

I was thinking about getting some D'uccles from them, but also considered batoring some eggs.
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Hi EZBird ...

I used my street address. When the box of babies arrived, the local Post Office Sorting/Holding Office called me and had me come pick the box up there. This was not my closest, local Post Office ..... it is their Sorting Office.

I walked in the door, and immediately heard the chirps.
The box was packed so nicely with a straw type bottom and one side had the same straw type stuff.

I think the prices at IDEAL are so reasonable ..... good luck with the D'uccles ....



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