What Breed are Your Chickens?

Too many. Over the 5 years we’ve had chickens…so many breeds, in part bc kid is in 4-H. But, right now, new to us are:

Egyptian Fayoumi,

We also have: EE, Dorkings, barred and white Plymouth rocks, Black Australorp, silver spangled Hamburg, Black Langshan. .
You guys have chickens. I have fertile chicken eggs. 🤣
An EE collected 9 eggs and went broody. We didn’t find her for awhile (funny bc they live in an enclosed run) and found her 5 days before hatch. Now we have 7 chicks that are about 3 weeks old. Momma hen is doing really well with them too! So…mixed breed chicks.
If you have chickens, what breed are they?
I believe I have some Rhode Island Red eggs in the incubator right
Tell me about your chicken breeds!

Wonder Quails
Hello there!
We are brand new to chicken keeping. After some research, my husband decided on 8 Black Australorps and bought chicks last summer. We love them!

They lay medium-sized brown eggs. 5 of our 8 pullets started laying between 5 and 6 months old. Still waiting on the last 3 to start. Once they got into a laying routine, they lay nearly every day.

As chicks, they were a bit nervous, but soon all but 2 warmed up to us. As teens, they were skittish but were gentle when held. Now that they're laying, most of the layers squat for us to receive pets and to be held. My seven-year-old picks them up regularly, and they just chill.

They have soft, beetle-black feathers are shine iridescent green in sunlight.

While they're not overtly affectionate, they are such sweet, gentle birds! They greet us at the door of the run and follow us for treats.

If he had his way, my husband would never buy anything but Australorps again--he thinks they are just the best! Me? I'd definitely do more Australorps (love them!), but now that I've been bitten by the chicken bug, I want to see what other wonderful breeds there are :)
If you have chickens, what breed are they?
I believe I have some Rhode Island Red eggs in the incubator right
Tell me about your chicken breeds!

Wonder Quails
we had 5 chooks at the start of the year :) 2 were purebred light Sussex (1 male, 1 female), 1 was an Americana x light Sussex (female), 1 was a suspected wyandotte x sussex (female)and the other was something x light sussex. (male). Muffin, (?? x LS) passed away in june from mareks, but none of the others caught it, Easter (purebred LS) had to be moved onto a farm, and now we have our girls :)
I have...
2, Silver laced Wyandotte
1, Rhode island red
3, Olive eggers
6, Ayam cemani
2, Easter eggers
2, Easter egger bantam's
1, silkie
7, Old english game bantam (2 boys, 5 girls.)
2, astra white x Olive egger (1 boy, 1 girl.)
1, Rhode island red x blue laced red Wyandotte (boy)
1, Ayam ccemani x black sexlink
3, barnyard mix cockerel

And 9 barnyard mix chicks.

I'll edit if I forgot any. 🤣
Last edited:
2 Rhode Island Reds
3 Golden sexlinks
3 Silver Laced Wyandottes
1 Barred Rock
2 Gold Double Laced Barnevelders
1 Cream Legbar
1 Lavender Orpington
1 Salmon Favorelles
2 (supposed) Blue Copper Marans
I am going to challenge my brain to try and remember all of our breeds! 🤣

Buff Orpingtons
Blue Marans (or something like that, they were sold to us as Cuckoo Marans but they aren't...)
Cream Legbar
Easter Eggers

Ayam Cemani mix
Some kind of red chickens...
Some kind of cream/wheaten/white chickens...
Black Australorp (maybe...)
Sapphire Gems
California Gray


I will update this list if I realize I have forgotten somebody. Or multiple somebodies...

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