What breed chick do I have?


5 Years
Aug 26, 2016
Krum, TX
I received an exotic chick as part of my order and I'm hoping you all can help me determine what chick I have.

The chick's info:
- 4 days old
- very curious, more so than the rest of the Red Stars I received
- seems to have a black undertone on either the skin or base of the feathers, but has yellow feathers
- black speckles/markings on back
- feet are a bit orange, but have a blue or black tone in them
- beak is orange and a bit longer than the Red Stars

Please let me know if there are any other questions I can answer to help figure out what chick I have. I've also attached pictures.

Thank you!!

I just looked up some pictures of Silver Spangled Hamburg and he/she looks exactly like the pictures I'm finding. The legs do have a blue color to them, but almost mixed with a little orange/yellow.

I definitely think it is a Star Spangled Hamburg, as a previous post suggested. I've attached updated pictures, but now I'm
wondering if it is a rooster or not. Any insight?


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