What breed/color is this rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 12, 2012
NW Minnesota
For all I know he's a mix... it's not that clear from the photo, but he does have five toes, which threw me for a loop. I've never seen a five toed bird before, at first I thought it was a particularly ugly spur but it is, in fact, a toe. Also, his comb is very smooth, no wrinkles or spikes... almost like he had a single comb but all the points froze off and now it's smooth. If at anything, can someone at least tell me what color this is called? Thanks
For all I know he's a mix... it's not that clear from the photo, but he does have five toes, which threw me for a loop. I've never seen a five toed bird before, at first I thought it was a particularly ugly spur but it is, in fact, a toe. Also, his comb is very smooth, no wrinkles or spikes... almost like he had a single comb but all the points froze off and now it's smooth. If at anything, can someone at least tell me what color this is called? Thanks
Whoa. That is quite interesting. The 5 toe thing would make me think Dorking.... but that's pretty extreme. And the 'halfway' dubbed comb makes me think some kind of game bird mix.
Frostbite will do that to a comb. If he was dubbed, I think they would have taken more comb off and the wattles should have been taken off too.

Looks like a new Hampshire but with 5 toes, it sounds like he might be crossed with Dorking or Faverolle.
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Frostbite will do that to a comb. If he was dubbed, I think they would have taken more comb off and the wattles should have been taken off too.

Looks like a new Hampshire but with 5 toes, it sounds like he might be crossed with Dorking or Faverolle.
Some people only dub the top.
I really don't know what the purpose of that would be...

I agree. He's heavy set like a Hampshire.
Thanks everyone!
chickenman, he has 5 toes on both feet.
Frostbite seems like a more likely explaination for the comb than partial dubbing... I wasn't sure if it was some different type of comb that I've never seen before
So far I really like him...

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