What breed do you have that is still laying in this cold weather?

2 RSL, 2 Buff Orpingtons - 3 to 4 eggs every day.
Location: Twin Cities, MN
Temps: Dang cold for the past several weeks, until today (temps in the high 20s)

I suspect they are laying like crazy because it's been so cold we've had to keep the lights on in the henhouse at night.
My Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns are all laying. They are 6 months old and just started laying before the weather turned bitterly cold. The weather here has been 20's during the day and single digits at night. I have a red bulb, heat lamp in the coop and provide other artificial light. I average 15 eggs a day from 20 egg layers. (Some days more, some days less.) But I am happy with those numbers.
I have 11 red sex links. They haven't slowed down. I get 10-11 eggs a day without any supplementary light or heat. It's been below 20 at night, and in the 20's during the day. I'm loving it!
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The first fall after starting to lay most of my hens layed through winter. But the second season of lay appears to be going differently . I have broodiness in some , molting in some etc. Of 12 hens I am getting about 6 eggs from my group of hens. Some days only 2 or so. Of the EEs that have just started to lay in Nov. anywhere from one to 3 a day. Temps have ranged from 7 degrees to 20 degrees at night. gloria Jean
I have 5 Dark Cornish hens from last March hatch. I bought them in August from my neighbor who didn't want them because the hatchery sent her these instead of the Production Red that she ordered. Of the 8 originals, I still have 5 left. They have hardly laid at all since mid-August. A few days ago when it was down to -15 to -20, guess what? I started getting a couple of eggs a day. Then today, I had 5 eggs!!! I am EGGstatic!!!! I am suspecting though that my 20-week old Black Australorp contributed to today collection, there is one that is noticeably smaller than the others.

BTW, they have only a red heat lamp for the coldest days in an uninsulated 4'x6' coop and a little 10" square window for daylight.
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Ameraucanas, Orpingtons, Cornishes, Buff Plymouth Rocks.
All are laying some, the Ameraucanas are laying the best.

Coop temperature ranging from 20* to 35* most of the time. Outside has been as low as 0* some nights.
No extra light except the red heat lamps on the waterers.

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