What Breed? I bought Golden Laced Wyndotte from TSC.

Correct, in general. But this is specifically TSC, specifically Hoovers, specifically last year. The EE's had muffs. I have a friend that works at TSC, she chats with them all the time to find out what line they used. OP could also just try that to find out for sure what's in this mix.
If you look up Easter Egger on the Hoovers website this is the bird they use as the profile. No beard, single comb. Screenshot (56).png
Believe me I know the website, that is this year. The reason they only say "is a hybrid," instead of telling you what breeds they mixed, like they indicate on the OE's, is that they use many different "lines." Just chat with them and ask what line was used last quarter. I don't know if they only chat with my crazy chicken lady bud at TSC or if they'll talk to anybody, I'm assuming anybody.

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