What breed is he?


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2018
I would like to know what breed of turkey he is. He was labeled as a Royal Palm but here at nearly two months old is still just white and so small. My standard bronze who is two months old towers over him like a giant (that’s her next to him at the food dish) thank you for any help you can give.
Did you try in the turkey forum? They might be able to help you better than us. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/turkeys.20/

My guess is that it is an off colored Royal Palm-- they are considerably smaller than Bronze turkeys, so it would make sense. But I am not an expert turkey guy, so hopefully those who are will chime in or you can get responses in the turkey forum.
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I forgot to post a picture of him when I first got him. Sorry. He’s not a blue slate going off of what blue slate poults look like. He’s been white since a little bitty thing.
He does look slate or at least off white in the other pictures, but it could just be the lighting. If he's pure white then he could be a midget white or a few less likely candidates like Beltsville small white or white Holland. I think the last two are pretty rare, though.

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