what breed is my goose?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 9, 2014

Hi kwatt. I see a few people have looked, but no guesses. It doesn´t appear to be a breed as such. To me, I think it´s a cross-breed of something that has saddleback colouring. But there are some rarer breeds that can look a bit like that. It´s a very pretty little thing.
I have a cross-bred goose that looks very similar.
She also has the dark back, but it hardly shows in this pic.
Does it have a gosling friend? It could do with one.
I have a duk she pals around with
They are best buds. But as for her saddle inhave noticed several breeds have the saddle markings but they dissappear as their feathers come in. She is still mainly fluff on her back but seems to have white feathers coming in on her saddle too
I have a duk she pals around with
They are best buds. But as for her saddle inhave noticed several breeds have the saddle markings but they dissappear as their feathers come in. She is still mainly fluff on her back but seems to have white feathers coming in on her saddle too
Really? Her dark fluff is being replaced by white feathers? She has very dark markings for them to disappear. Maybe it´s just the photo that makes it look that way. So, you think she´ll turn out white, then? I was thinking she looks a bit like cottonpatch colouring, except the bill´s not pink.
Where abouts do you live? Where did you get her? Might narrow it down by considering who the supplier may have been...
Glad she has a little friend, a duck´s better than nothing.
When she was tiny her bill was very pink and do were her feet. They yellowed out a little the older she gets but the feet still look more pink than yellow and she looks darker because she was just playing in the sprinklers. Her and the duck love them. They just lounge in them or snap at the water its cute.

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