What breed is my new broody?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Near Monroe, North Carolina

Her comb is very dark, almost the same mulberry color as my Silkies comb. I've been told her friend to the left is a Wheaten OEGB. If anyone can tell me what she is, I'd be so grateful. If you need a different pic, let me know. Thanks, Lenore.
theres only a very few breeds that have black skin and thats silkies and sumatras both of which dont have singe combs. to me it looks like she has some what the body of a sumatra but she is a mix though
I think she might be an Ardenner Bantam, sometimes they have black combs and hens strongly resemble old english games. Here's a pic of hen:


Oh and if this helped you feel free to hit the green button :)
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Thank you both. The place she came from had a very motley assortment of hens and roos so she could really be a mix of anything but that gives me a little better idea of what to look for in her personality and whether or not she will be broody a lot.

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