What breed is my pullet?


5 Years
May 28, 2014
I am a new chicken mama and new to this site! I obtained 5 chicks, all different breeds. I asked for a Buff Orphington however I am pretty sure I did not receive a Buff Orphington. Pictures are attached - can anyone help me determine what breed she is? She is about 8 weeks old and mainly white and gray colored. Thanks for your help!

I am a new chicken mama and new to this site! I obtained 5 chicks, all different breeds. I asked for a Buff Orphington however I am pretty sure I did not receive a Buff Orphington. Pictures are attached - can anyone help me determine what breed she is? She is about 8 weeks old and mainly white and gray colored. Thanks for your help!
Could it be a leghorn cross? I don't see an ounce of buff in her. Could you post a pic of her standing as to see her body shape?
Not seeing buff Orpington nor Leghorn. Looks like a silkie cross. See the crest and dark skin but it has regular feathers? Probably has five toes, also.

Where did you get her? Did she come from a hatchery or a backyard breeder?

A profile pic of the bird standing naturally is best for breed id. A comb shot would be good to see what she's going on there. At this point I'm thinking she's a mixed breed bird, the guesses are just going to be a mix of what.
Good observation. Have you ever seen an Easter egger leghorn cross?
Depending on the comb, she could be an Ameraucana/Leghorn cross. I have some Blue Am/white Leghorn crosses right now and they do look a lot like this bird. They have a modified pea comb instead of a true pea, so I'd need to see a closeup of the comb to be sure.

Also, what color are its legs? That makes a big difference when it comes to knowing EE vs. Ameraucana, and I can't tell from your photo.

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