What breed is my Roo?

Thanks. I am sure he would agree with you. Lol. You can take him for a walk, he follows you. He is very vocal and likes to do his feather down dance. He has not been with any hens yet but I have 5 16 week old pullets I plan to put him with. He is roughly 23 weeks old and I think I need to let the pullets grow another month before trying to put him in with them.....or if I try now....I think he might go crazy. I have them close to him so he has seen them but I am pretty sure they are a bit too young to mate right now. I am sure it will be a show when I do put them together.
Usually hens/pullets who have never experienced a rooster generally find them odd creatures at first,but warm up really quickly.

4 months old is an appropriate time,You could always try.Are the pullets currently 4 months,or did they "Just" turn 4 months?
The pullets are just 4 months old today. I have noticed a couple of the 5 are finally starting to have their combs grow a little and turning a bit pink. I have read that when they suddenly group and turn red they should start laying eggs. They walk around his coop and he looks at them but they really don't pay him much attention. I am thinking of letting them all out to graze and see what he does. i am pretty sure he is so nosey he wil start dancing for them. This is my first time raising chickens. I have a grown rooster and he has 4 hens. He is a rhodbar mix and is a good rooster but does mate with them quite often. I then have these I have been talking about and then 6 smaller ones, 3 I hatched and 3 I purchased. Out of those I have 4 hens and 2 rooster....i think. They are about 8 or 9 weeks old. I am trying to get a flock that lay different colored eggs. So the older ones I have one EE and she only laid 4 eggs since last October, I am thinking she may be older than they sold her to me as. She sits in the nest daily but never leave an egg. Of the 6 pullets I have purchased and will go will Willie I have, 2 EE, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Partridge Rock and 1 Pearl leghorn. The youngest ones are Partridge Wyandotte, and 3 suppose to be black marans, one is a white maran and of course the 2 roosters, 1 is Black French Coppoer Maran and the other is a blue laced red wyandotte. I cant tell if the BLRW is a roo but pretty sure he is as is comb is turning red and he has little red wattles. I wanted all hens but tend to keep hatching roosters or either by the chicks that turn out to be roos. Anyway I am enjoying it and hoping to get them all grown and laying eggs in the near future. Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.
A genitically red rooster "like a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire Red" over a genitaclly silver hen "usually a Barred Rock".
Just a quick correction here---for a black sex link, the rooster is classically a Red based, but doesn't have to be. As long as he's not barred or dominant white, he's fair game to make a black sex link.Silver roosters over a barred hen work well, and make pretty offspring. And the hen isn't necessarily genetically silver, although most black based barred birds are. The silver isn't the important thing, the barring is.

On the other hand, for a red sex link, you do need the red/gold rooster over the (non-barred) silver female.

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