What breed is this light brown (not red!) hen?


5 Years
Jun 11, 2016
Madison, Wisconsin
Does anyone know what breed she is?
Sorry for the photo quality. She is light cocoa brown, almost salmon. Not light red like a red sex link.

She's the one on the right, on the hay bale. For comparison, the one to the left is more red or golden colored (around the neck anyway). She's not mine so I may not be able to get more photos. She may be the mother of some of my chicks, though, so I'd like to figure out what breed she is.
I thought she looked basically like a red sex link to me, but the color isn't red or buff, it's more like the color of milky hot chocolate or coffee with too much cream. There might be more of a pattern there, now that I'm looking at the photos again.
The body shape does look a bit like orpington. One more thing I remembered.... The woman I got the chicks from said (in her ad) that some of her hens were polish, silkie, "marians" and "icebars" which I translated as marans and isbars. Could this be an odd looking wheaten marans?

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