What breed is this roo?


7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
Northern California
I got a load of roosters (8 of them) from a woman over run with them. I feed my dogs raw meat so we processed most of them except this guy. I adored his color and I really wanted him to reproduce with my dads chickens. He ended up disappearing at my dads so I have no chance of getting him back. I have emailed the woman to see if I can possibly catch a similar one at her ranch.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what breed/breeds he resembles. I recall that the woman had many different kinds of chickens. In particular I remember a group of small hens with dark grey heads that faded to lighter grey bodies. Similar to this guys body color so I assume he was related to them but I don't know what kind the hens were.

He was average size, Not small but not huge.

Photos are not working I'll figure out how to do it and be back! :)
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Black Sex-link
If you put a red or buff rooster over barred rock hens you'll get something really really close. My homehatched black sex link roo is quite similar, mine does not have the white in his tail but otherwise that roo is classic black sex link and really not hard to replicate. The darker barred coloring and the brassiness leaking through on the hackles tell them apart from pure barred rock roosters. That red leakage usually increases with age, I quite like it in my roo.

You could order black star roosters for dirt cheap, or I saw a barred rock hen in that first pic. If you have a red roo to put over her, there ya go!

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