What breed is this?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2018
Northeast Ohio
My neighbor ordered a dozen pullets, and got a "bonus" pullet. It's smaller than the dual purpose he ordered and getting picked on. He offered to give her to me, but I'd like to figure out her breed and if she'll get along ok with my 4 Australorps. This is the pic he sent me, and I'll be going over in a couple days to meet her. For now though, can any of you help ne figure out what breed she is?
Thanks in advance!

It's not clear enough of a photo to tell what kind, maybe easter egger, but I wanted to mention that any new bird will not be accepted by your current chickens without a careful introduction period. Look up threads/articles on how to integrate newcomers. I was also wondering if the white chickens were meat birds.....
He said dual purpose? He did mention he would be eating them, but that his wife wants the eggs and he planned on breeding them. Don't know much else, except he got a bonus pullet and that he's willing to give her to me :)

I kind of thought EE too, but I'm still new to chickens. I will definately pay better pics once I'm there to take them. He's by no means a photographer lol
That chick sure has pretty coloring! I can't wait to see a photo after you get it! How old are your Australorps? My Australorps are super docile with the other birds.
They'll be 6 months the beginning of October. I think he said the possible EE is 18 weeks or so? If so, she should start to lay someone soon

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