what breed of meat birds are ready in 5-7wks that farms use?

They're not a specific "breed," but rather a line. There are different ones depending on where you shop, but they're all essentially the same. There's Ross, Cobb, Perdue, and a couple other smaller companies. The ones you buy from hatcheries are one of those lines.
If you just want some for the freezer and don't care how they were raised you can call a chicken farmer and ask if you can have the broilers that are left after they come empty the house.

Most farmers around here shoot the left over birds that escape the catchers or just let them roam until something kills them. My buddy goes and gets all that are left over from several houses around. He takes them to the flea market and sells them for $5-8 per bird. He has absolutely nothing in them but his time in catching them and the little bit of feed he feeds them before taking them to the sale. He generally gets 10-15 chickens every time they empty the chicken house.

friend of mine gathers roosters from people who hatch chicks with the children and give them away on Cragslist. Also, in the fall you can get 25 roos for .25 each if you keep looking.

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