What breed or sex are my chickens?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 25, 2011
I know for sure I have one Roo but don't know what breed. The others in the first picture are hens but have no clue to breed. I have now idea what sex/breed the black one is I thought roo but never heard it crow and it is as old as the others. also the few tail feathers are gone
can anyone help?

first pic:
Red rooster
White leghorn??
Gold laced Cochin (feathered feet)
Light Brown Leghorn (would have said Welsummer but it has white earlobes.

Second pic:
BLack Austrolupe sp?? or Jersy Giant Rooster
First pic--the buff hen in the back looks to have white earlobes? Maybe a buff mincora? White rock? hen, red rooster--not rhode island, maybe new hampshire? gold laced cochin--very pretty-- and brown leghorn. As stated, that black roo could be a jersey giant or australorp.
In the first picture, the roo there might be a New Hampshire. The 2 hens in the foreground are a Gold Laced Cochin and a Light Brown Leghorn, and behind the roo the white one looks to be a White Rock, and the buff a Buff Minorca. The second picture is likely a Black Australorp rooster. If not BA, then Jersey Giant. Check the bottoms of his feet: pinkish white = BA, yellow = JG.
Thank you, Been trying to look at pictures on line and only could figure the gold laced cochin. I think the black one is the Austalope it does have black feet.
Wow! That golden laced cochin is gorgeous! Where did you get her? The white hen isn't a leghorn, too big. Probably a white rock.

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