What breed should I choose?


12 Years
May 20, 2007
I need some advice please. I have a little flock of (originally) 6 chickens - 5 hens and a rooster. Recently both the rooster and one hen were killed by the neighbour's dog (this is being dealt with, and is not a problem now that we know what has happened). I really liked my Silver Spangled Hamburg rooster - he was very handsome, and not unfriendly, though a little stand-offish. So my question is, what kind of rooster would you recommend that I get to replace him? I am not interested in breeding; I just like having a rooster to watch out for the girls - my criteria would be good looks, and a pleasant disposition. I realize that any rooster can "go bad", but is there any breed that is more likely to be friendly? I am planning to get chicks - one boy and maybe 2 more girls - and so will be raising them up from very young. I am very new with this "chicken thing" - my little flock was got as babies early last year. Any advice will be appreciated.
My Black Rooster, either a Giant or Aussie was SO gentle to me, untill I picked up one of his hens. BEST ROOSTER I HAVE EVER OWNED. Another good choice is a Buff Orpington. And I have heard game roosters are a good protector of hens and are nice to the owners, but can be hard on the girls.
I was going to ask the same question. Any bantie breeds that are good? I have limited space. What breeds are good for kids to get involved?
well bantam wise...OEG and cochins are pretty docile. Silkies are also docile. and roosters for kids... I'd say Buff Orp or Black Aussie. again
You don't want me to answer this because I would say get them all.
No really I have RIRs, yellow buffs, silkies, cochin frizzles, BRs, sexlinks, SLWs, leghorns, Jersely black giants, EEs, some really cute bantys that I don't know what they are, and I have game roos. If you are not interested in breeding your roo than game roos IMO make the best protectors for the girls. Just get yourself a young one so that you know the roo hasn't been faught or mistreated and he will take his job seriously.

Earlier in the year I had two foxes that were coming into my yard. On both occasins there were 5 game roos standing there ground between the fox and the girls. They were holding the fox off until we got out there with the shot gun. Man they were brave, ready to fight to the end for there girls.
Thats interesting; thanks. So, an OEG is protective, but not necessarily unfriendly to people? Unfortunately, I am limited to how many chickens I can have - 7 optimum, 8 maximum. Luckily, my neighbours like roosters, and were as sad as I was that mine was killed. I still have 4 girls - 2 NH Reds, 1 EE, and 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg. I would like another EE (the one who was killed had such a personality! And she was my only green egg layer). I have seen pictures of EE roos, and some of them are very handsome; do they often have nice personalities? My 2 girls have/had the sweetest mannerisms - I really never would have believed a chicken could be so personable before I knew them. But I have heard good things about Buff Orpingtons too.
If you get another rooster remember to quarantine him for at least 30 days away from your flock. You do not want a disease to wipe out your flock.
Dewormed and make sure he's healthy before placing with your girls.

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