What breed should I get in a tiny backyard?

silkies can't get wet because their feathers are more like fur and water soaks them unlike other chickens other than that silkies are perfect for what your looking for. if you can keep them dry I think they would be great for you! I love mine!!
Sweet! Does anyone here have black austrolorps? I've heard that they have good personalities, but not from someone who acually owns them.
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Being new to chickens, and I suspect as one in a suburb, I would strongly suggest locating chicks than have been sexed to lower your chances of getting a cockerel. That could be either local started pullets, or a small order of hatchery sexed chicks. MPC offers sexing of bantams if you want to go that route. Some LF are tolerant of confinement such as Cochins and Faverolles. What are your egglaying expectations?
My Buff Orpingtons are my favorite chickens, and they've handled the cold and snow of northern Montana like champs. We call them "the sweetheart chickens" because they're very affectionate. When we pick them up, they talk to us with little quiet contented sounds. They're super tame and friendly. Ours are kept in a 10 foot by 15 foot run and we let them out for free ranging as often as we can, but it's not always everyday. They don't roam as far as some of our other chickens do when we let them out. They're content to hang out on the porch, especially if that's where we are. They're by far the friendliest of our peeps.

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