What breed should I get Yves as his mate?

I had two baby male bunnies socializing with him through a divider, like three weeks old maybe, and he kept breaking through to mount them, then I got a different male named Oreo who was significantly bigger then him and oreo would mount him to the point where Yves was terrified so I got rid of him and now Yves doesn’t like male rabbits… I’ve never noticed Yves spraying or anything like that, he only uses his chin to mark elephants tail. If he won’t need a mate I’ll leave it be but I don’t want his life becoming shorter… maybe a female will just find him, we have a few in the neighborhood but they don’t stay in one place long
As long as he has plenty of attention from you and his feathered buddies, he should be fine. It's a male thing with unneutered rabbits... Wild rabbits definitely should not breed with domestic as they can spread diseases to them. They cannot cross-breed, but they can still mate together if allowed. It is advised to keep rabbits in pairs, but if it's a female, they will keep breeding even if you don't intend or always want them to, which can become dangerous for the babies. Best wishes with any option you choose!
As long as he has plenty of attention from you and his feathered buddies, he should be fine. It's a male thing with unneutered rabbits... Wild rabbits definitely should not breed with domestic as they can spread diseases to them. They cannot cross-breed, but they can still mate together if allowed. It is advised to keep rabbits in pairs, but if it's a female, they will keep breeding even if you don't intend or always want them to, which can become dangerous for the babies. Best wishes with any option you choose!
Pretty sure all the “wild” bunnies here are bred by rabbits that got dumped out by their owners sadly, only reason Yves free ranges is because he HATED being in a fence, I gave up after he kept escaping and let him do as he wished.

If chickens will be enough I might leave it as is, I just figured sleeping alone and alone in the snow since my chickens are picky and won’t leave the coop might be a bit unhealthy
Do you guys think nurturing him would be worth it? The cheapest here is 400$ But I’ve heard that it can ruin a good rabbits personality
If you can find a shelter to neuter him, it would be lots cheaper than a vet. It doesn't necessarily change his personality, but it will make him calmer and mark his territory less ( peeing and pooping ).
Pretty sure all the “wild” bunnies here are bred by rabbits that got dumped out by their owners sadly, only reason Yves free ranges is because he HATED being in a fence, I gave up after he kept escaping and let him do as he wished.

If chickens will be enough I might leave it as is, I just figured sleeping alone and alone in the snow since my chickens are picky and won’t leave the coop might be a bit unhealthy
Maybe if you can go to a pet store, shelter, or local person and find a neutered or spayed rabbit might work?
My males never had a personality change after being neutered. The vet here does it for $75 so $400 seems extreme to me.
I’m not sure why it’s 400$ here, we don’t even have the places where they will spay cats for free, everything in Alaska is way more expensive… cats and rabbits are both 400$ at the cheapest vet here.

About 90 something for the pre-op exam and 300 something for the operation itself
I’m not sure why it’s 400$ here, we don’t even have the places where they will spay cats for free, everything in Alaska is way more expensive… cats and rabbits are both 400$ at the cheapest vet here.

About 90 something for the pre-op exam and 300 something for the operation itself
That's very interesting. Maybe our area is just generous.

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