What Breed?!?!?!?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Northeast Iowa
Ok- I'm going to a bird swap on Sunday (June 1) in search of ducks (CALL DUCKS), maybe chickens (and a peacock?) So I'm just like: WHAT BREED! Lol, experiences/preferences? Also, it starts at 7 and ends at 10 and by 8ish all the good stuff is gone :/ so its a buy-now type of thing and i need to know what i want!
Alright I've made a list of the ducks that i want. Here they go:

Call: Regular Sized:

Gray Ancona
Magpie Cayuga
Snowy Mallard
Black East Indies

I REALLY (REALLY) want Call ducks. But the reg. sized ones are just if there aren't any calls I want
Peacock? wow those are loud lol

Calls can be hard to find, i know finding mine was no easy task. Have you been to this swap before? careful examine the birds, always ensure you look over their set-ups and care those who take proper care of their animals it shows, while ducks don't have quite the list of ailments chickens can they still can have disease and parasites.

I would always see if contact info is available some breeders are willing to give farm info etc.. chat them up, see responses on care, how they manage things.

Is this an auction or a tailgate swap?

As for calls, you ever owned any? They are cute, females are LOUD(hence the title "call duck" ) they love water and fly VERY well. Drakes can be a bit aggressive, a bit of a banty rooster complex but you can keep it under control just proper management.

They require the typical care any duck does, feed the same. Preds you must mind a bit more so due to their size they are more vulnerable. I keep mine in a 10x10 dog run with a house i lock them into nightly.

They have a 40GAL trough and a 3 gallon pan for water. For now i have a quad, but one is on a nest of 13 eggs lol

Good luck!

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